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1-year-old left in car dies outside Dallas ISD elementary school

A 1-year-old child who was left in a vehicle parked in the faculty lot of Frank Guzick Elementary School Friday afternoon died at Baylor Hospital. 
Dallas Lt. Paul Stokes said a witness noticed the child inside the locked vehicle at about 1 p.m. After calling 911, the dispatcher had the witness break the window to get the child out. Stokes said the witness performed CPR until EMTs arrived to take the child to Baylor Hospital, where the toddler was pronounced dead.
The child has not been identified, although authorities Stokes said the owner of the vehicle is a teacher at the school. A statement from the Dallas Independent School District said the teacher was placed on administrative leave pending a police investigation. She is being interviewed by investigators at Jack Evans Police Headquarters. 
The district sent home a letter to parents and said grief counselors are on hand for anyone who needs them. 
"Obviously this is a very tragic situation," the district's statement reads. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the teacher and her family at this time, as well as the staff at Guzick Elementary."
No charges have been filed yet. 


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