Selah Kneubuhl
Selah Kneubuhl is your latest Asian MILF (hottie) next door from Austin, Texas! Can you imagine that she’s rocking that body after two kids? Check out our hot photoshoot and interview.
What’s your ethnicity?
Samoan - Pacific Islander
Have you ever been to the homeland?
Yes, I was born and raised there. The second I turned 17 I left like my life was stolen.
When did you start modeling?
I started after kid number two. I had gotten several offers to do paid work and always turned them down but then one day figured I'd represent the milfs going back to school and back in the work field. It’s never too late to live your life but your prime years don’t last forever. :)
Why did you want to model?
The money isnt too bad and you get paid to look amazing.
Where do you see your modeling career going? Is it just a hobby?
I don’t take it too serious, it’s definitely a side gig while I finish school and raise my rugrats.
What’s your day job?
I'm a Domestic Engineer. You name it, I do it or have it under my belt.

You have kids, tell us about them!
Yes, two boys. A three year old who says he's Bruno Mars and a one year old who thinks screaming is how humans communicate. Can't live with them and would never live without them.
What are your secrets to getting back into modeling shape after you had your kids?
Sex is definitely number one. I couldn't feel sexy and perform the way I wanted not feeling and looking the way I needed to. Men are hunters, so women should always be the desired kill.
Being a stay at home Mom will keep you on your feet at least 5 hrs a day, cooking cleaning, entertaining...this is guaranteed to burn everything you eat in a day.
Currently are you single or taken?
Hmmm, good question. I'm not even sure what category I'm in. I'm not married but am not promiscuously single either. It’s safe to say I'm “happily never after” with one man.
What are the top traits you care about in a man?
Looks are essential but fade with time however sincerity and kindness take a man a long ways.
What’s the best way for a guy to ask a girl like you on a date?
Be real. Women just like men, love confidence in mild dosages. Get to know me, then take charge and I'm sold. :)

What’s the best pick-up line some guy has used on you?
I used to work at a Jewelry store and a man came in and asked what I thought he should buy for someone he adored. I picked a beautiful John Hardy piece and then he gave it to me. I still have it to this day. Never saw him again though, so that was strange but sweet. :)
What are your passions/hobbies?
Passions, hmmm I don’t think I have enough paper to write this down, but my number one would have to be philanthropy work. It’s always been a dream of mine to live in countries where I could make a difference. This remains on my bucket list.
Tell us a crazy story about yourself.
Hahaha! Then I’d be in trouble for kissing and telling but here it goes; I love the thrill of doing things you aren’t supposed to in public places.
What’s your ethnicity?
Samoan - Pacific Islander
Have you ever been to the homeland?
Yes, I was born and raised there. The second I turned 17 I left like my life was stolen.
When did you start modeling?
I started after kid number two. I had gotten several offers to do paid work and always turned them down but then one day figured I'd represent the milfs going back to school and back in the work field. It’s never too late to live your life but your prime years don’t last forever. :)
Why did you want to model?
The money isnt too bad and you get paid to look amazing.
Where do you see your modeling career going? Is it just a hobby?
I don’t take it too serious, it’s definitely a side gig while I finish school and raise my rugrats.
What’s your day job?
I'm a Domestic Engineer. You name it, I do it or have it under my belt.
You have kids, tell us about them!
Yes, two boys. A three year old who says he's Bruno Mars and a one year old who thinks screaming is how humans communicate. Can't live with them and would never live without them.
What are your secrets to getting back into modeling shape after you had your kids?
Sex is definitely number one. I couldn't feel sexy and perform the way I wanted not feeling and looking the way I needed to. Men are hunters, so women should always be the desired kill.
Being a stay at home Mom will keep you on your feet at least 5 hrs a day, cooking cleaning, entertaining...this is guaranteed to burn everything you eat in a day.
Currently are you single or taken?
Hmmm, good question. I'm not even sure what category I'm in. I'm not married but am not promiscuously single either. It’s safe to say I'm “happily never after” with one man.
What are the top traits you care about in a man?
Looks are essential but fade with time however sincerity and kindness take a man a long ways.
What’s the best way for a guy to ask a girl like you on a date?
Be real. Women just like men, love confidence in mild dosages. Get to know me, then take charge and I'm sold. :)
What’s the best pick-up line some guy has used on you?
I used to work at a Jewelry store and a man came in and asked what I thought he should buy for someone he adored. I picked a beautiful John Hardy piece and then he gave it to me. I still have it to this day. Never saw him again though, so that was strange but sweet. :)
What are your passions/hobbies?
Passions, hmmm I don’t think I have enough paper to write this down, but my number one would have to be philanthropy work. It’s always been a dream of mine to live in countries where I could make a difference. This remains on my bucket list.
Tell us a crazy story about yourself.
Hahaha! Then I’d be in trouble for kissing and telling but here it goes; I love the thrill of doing things you aren’t supposed to in public places.
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